is a collection of some of the Pamphlets I have written over the last 40 years
Vegan Recipes
a vegetarian Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving
recipes for taking the animal out of your meat
vegan turkey / vegan chicken / vegan scrambled eggs
vegan fish recipes / vegan meat recipes / vegan burger recipes
simple cooking / simple recipes for one or more people
quick and easy pasta making
quick and easy chocolate pancake making
Vegetarian, Not Vegan, Dogs And Cats
How To Be A Vegetarian
how do I get my children to become vegetarians?
teaching children to cook
vegan protein / vegan omega-3 [walnuts are 6% omega-3] / vegan sublingual vitamin B12
vegan gardening / veganic gardening
Not Tested On Animals
Why Be A Vegetarian?
a vegetarian diet can save the environment with no loss of GDP / Greenism as a cult
conserving the earth's resources
Health and Fitness
order of eating / food combining
diet and exercise for women who want to look good and feel good
overweight and weight loss
coughs, colds and flu
babies' illnesses
pain management
pain is no reason to suffer
fit, strong and healthy at any age
Saving Money
conserving the earth's resources
gambling: the high price of hope
friendships with horses / noblesse oblige / teaching horses to be brave
presenting the case against vivisection
poultry as pets / bird gardens – aviaries without walls
Veganic Gardening
the lazy person's guide to fruit, nut, vegetable and flower growing
Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs
You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:
My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:
And, my other PDFs from: