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Thursday, 17 October 2024

Vegan Diets are Unsuitable and Dangerous for Babies

 Vegan Diets are Unsuitable and Dangerous for Babies

I have been a Vegetarian for 53 years.
I was a Vegan for 18 of those years.

You can Download my “The Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets” PDF, which has a lot of information on Vegetarian, Vegan, and related matters, from:

And, “How To Produce Healthy Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, Hen’s Eggs, Humanely And Sustainably”, from:

Babies are natural Milk-Drinking Vegetarians.

I would never try to raise a baby or child as a Vegan.

Some Vegan babies have died.

Others, have been brain damaged.

Almost all adults, cannot maintain their bodies, on Vegan diets.

So, how can a baby or child, build one?

Ill-health, due to Vegan diets, is a major reason why almost all Vegans become Ex-Vegans; and, most current Vegans, cheat.

And, even if the victim-blaming, “you did not do it right”, Vegan Activists were right.

Which, they are not.

If most Vegans could not “do it right” for themselves.

How could most Vegans “do it right” for their growing babies?


Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2009;109: 1266-1282.

No Evidence For Vegan Pregnancies And Babies.

Two people – a Vegan and a Seventh Day Adventist – who provided no evidence for Vegan diets for pregnancies and babies – wrote The ADA Position Statement 2009 –that Vegan Activists misuse to “prove” Vegan diets are healthy for all people, of all ages– including babies and pregnant women.


If you read page 1270, it says there is no evidence, for Vegan pregnancies, and birth outcomes:


“Four primary research studies were identified that examined maternal macro-nutrient intake during lacto-ovo-or lacto-vegetarian pregnancy (58-61). None focused on pregnant vegans.”

EAL Conclusion Statement:

“No research was identified that focused on macro-nutrient intakes among pregnant vegans.”

Grade V#Not Assignable.


“Four cohort studies were identified that examined the relationship between maternal macronutrient intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes such as birth weight and length (59-62). None of the studies focused on pregnant vegans.”

EAL Conclusion Statement:

“No research was identified that focused on the birth outcomes of vegan vs omnivorous mothers.”

Grade V#Not Assignable.

For My Own Healthy Adult Diet, I Include:

1: Fresh, raw fruit;

2: Fresh, raw or lightly cooked in water, vegetables; including, some raw green, leafy vegetables;

3: Concentrated foods like nuts, walnuts are 6% omega-3, rolled oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes;

4: Animal-products such as Cow's milk, cheese, yoghurt; genuinely free-range eggs; or, ocean-caught sustainable fish;

5: Some seaweed for trace elements.

Vegetarians should consider using sublingual vitamin B12 tablets.

You let these tablets dissolve under your tongue, so that some of the Vitamin B12 is absorbed directly, into your bloodstream.

Otherwise, unless you are Vegan, and so need further supplements, just eat real food, like everyone else has, since life began.


I am doing this for free and not as a business.

Information, that I provide you with, is my personal opinion, based on my personal experience.

Which includes my having been a Vegetarian for more than 50 years, including 18 years as a Vegan, and having managed my own health for more than 50 years.

My opinions are not to be taken as professional advice.

Or, as a substitute for professional advice.

People seeking professional advice should do so from appropriately qualified professional people.

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