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Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool In my free ebook,"Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs...

Sunday, 14 December 2014

A Vegan Christmas: The Way Jesus Meant It To Be

A Vegan Christmas

“What I want from you is plain and clear: I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices.”
Hosea 6:5-6.

Jesus, referred to Hosea and said, “It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.” 

Matthew 9:13 and 12:7.

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A Vegan Christmas Dinner

A Christmas Dinner based on bread, wine and kindness combined with nuts, fruits and herbs from biblical times.

There are many Australian wines to choose from as well as grape juices including sparkling grape juices.
And, you can buy unleavened bread, a gourmet bread or make your own sourdough bread or pancakes.

These can be combined with nuts, fruits and herbs of a biblical flavour.

Such as almonds, carob, chestnuts, pistachio and pine nuts.
Apricots, cherries, dates, figs, grapes, juniper berries, mulberries and olives.
And herbs – caraway, chives, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary and thyme.
Macadamia nuts would add an Australian flavour.
If eating dried fruit remember to eat sun dried and not sulphur dried fruit.
And, since the sugar in dried fruit has become concentrated and sticky, to clean your teeth afterwards.
Eating celery stems can do this.

An outdoor picnic, in the shade, in your garden or in a botanical gardens, next to a lake or on a beach, could also fit in well with the Australian climate.
And, there is no need for a hot stove and not much to clean up afterwards.

A Traditional Christmas Dinner

Steaming a Christmas pudding, for eight hours in a hot kitchen, might have been a warm and cosy experience when it was snowing outside.

But, in the middle of an Australian summer the warmth of a hot stove, and cleaning up afterwards, might not be so appealing.

And, no-one, on their death bed, ever said that they wished that they had done more housework.
Especially not on Christmas day.

But, if that is what you want, then much of the traditional Christmas Dinner is already vegetarian or vegan.

The Christmas pudding; the Christmas cake; the vegetables that go with the main course.

Slices of firm tofu can easily pass for chicken or turkey. 

So, one could simply replace the animal flesh, in the main course, with slices of firm tofu.
And, vegetable oil can be used in cooking instead of animal fat.

One could replace the dead animal with bread and wine, or grape juice, as Jesus wanted. 

Or, more simply, one could leave the dead animal out of it.
Just head straight for the dessert.

Similarly, with Easter, Thanksgiving and any other feast.


If ever there was a time to celebrate the abolition of animal sacrifice Easter is it. 

Christians commemorate the Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter – the time when Jesus abolished animal sacrifice and replaced it with bread and wine.

One can eat the same foods for Easter, as for Christmas, with the addition of chocolate Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits and hot cross buns.

The Thanksgiving Turkey

The current traditional United States Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and turkey.

Slices of firm tofu or tempeh can replace the turkey.

A Vegan Thanksgiving

Vegetarians and Vegans do not have to eat only pumpkin, corn and potatoes.

Vegetarians and Vegans can eat chocolate, made from cacao, and many other native American foods like pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts, chestnuts, peanuts and blackberries, raspberries, huckleberries, rose hips, cranberries and maple syrup.

And, drink bergamot, [monarda didyma], tea as the patriots did after the Boston Tea Party. 

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Raw Fruit, Nuts and Vegetables: Healthy Fast Food





You do not have to pay rip-off prices, 

of $100s up to $2300 or more, to learn raw food preparation.
From truly top vegan chefs.

There are excellent websites, 

with free raw food recipes, photos and videos, 
on how to prepare everything including:

Raw food vegan cakes, pastries, pies, . . .
Raw vegan ice-cream, . . .
Chocolate, . . .
Even raw food fries.

Gourmet Raw Food Recipes

'Looking for healthy vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes? We [rawfoodrecipes.com] showcase many of the top vegan chefs with trusted recipes, videos and more!'

From: https://rawfoodrecipes.com

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Humane Milk Available In The UK

NOTE [6th November 2014]: 

New customers can still buy cheese, but the milk is so popular that, for now, they are only supplying milk to existing customers.



Ahimsa Milk

"Ahimsa milk is of the highest quality, not only organic but also of the highest welfare standard where no cows, calves or bulls are slaughtered in its production."


"Because we are close to capacity in our ‘Bottled Milk‘ production we are presently not accepting new milk orders. Sorry.
However, UK residents may purchase a range of other Ahimsa Products (such as yoghurt and cheeses) via mailorder subscription … details here …or if you live within our existing Watford-based delivery area delivered to your doorstep or for pick-up from one of our London drop-points.
If you have specific queries which are not met by the above options, please feel free to contact us at admin@ahimsamilk.org"

How much does AHIMSA MILK cost?

"Existing customers are paying £2.25 per litre + 1.50p per delivery. At the moment milk is being distributed in 2-litre bottles only."

FROM: www.ahimsamilk.org/ahimsa-milk/

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Cruelty Free Milk Is Now Available In The USA

Cruelty Free Milk Is Now Available In The USA

 "No cows or bulls were either killed or exploited to produce it!  

Our cows and bulls are protected for their entire lives!"

Slaughter-free milk now available in the USA

"USA's first organic certified slaughter-free dairy has opened up in Port Royal, Pennsylvania. The 350 acre Gita Nagari Yoga Farm (run by the Hare Krishna community) runs a CSA community supported agriculture scheme, providing both dairy and vegetables to cities on the East Coast."

And, they are selling the milk, in the US, at a very reasonable price.
$10 / gallon = $2.64 / litre.
[$3 / litre Australian at current conversion rates].
Their cheddar cheese converts to about $30 Australian per kg.
The Gita Nagari Creamery is now open!
 "First Slaughter Free Dairy in the USA - 
No cows or bulls were either killed or exploited to produce it!  
Our cows and bulls are protected for their entire lives!" 

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Saturday, 18 October 2014





An organic-vegan who ate, 3 kg of organic-food per day for 80 years, would eat 87 tonnes of organic-food.

How many animals does an organic-vegan, exploit and kill, to produce the blood and bone organic-fertiliser, and fish emulsion, to grow 87 tonnes of organic-food?  


An organic-vegan who ate, 3 kg of organic-food per day, would eat, 365 x 3 = 1095 kg per year.
That is, 1095 x 80 = 87600 kg = 87 tonnes, over an 80 year lifetime.


Assuming 200 grams chicken dung per kg of organic-food produced = 87600/5 = 17520 kg chicken dung.

Some growers use as much as 2 to 3 kg to produce 1 kg of wheat.
200 grams is on the low side.

If a chicken produced, 40 kg of dung per year, then it would take 438 years to produce 17520 kg of dung.

So organic-vegans, keep chickens on factory farms, for at least 438 years.

Since meat-chickens are only kept for a few weeks, 

and layers for a little over a year, 
this would mean anything from 350 layer chickens, 
plus 350 males killed at a day old, 
who can also be used as fertiliser,
to 2500 or more meat-chickens.

NOTE: Some meat-chickens only produce 1.25 kg of dung in their lifetime, requiring 14000 chickens.


If you ate 6 eggs per week for 80 years, you would exploit 40 to 80 hens, and 40 to 80 male chicks.
So, organic-vegans abuse at least 2 to 10 times as many chickens, mostly on factory farms, just for chicken dung, than egg-eaters do by eating 6 eggs per week for 80 years.

Organic-vegans abuse as many animals as the average Australian animal-eater, and far more animals than egg-eaters, beef-eaters who eat 8 to 10 grass-fed cattle, and milk-drinkers who exploit 1 cow.

And, that is just for chicken dung.
I have not counted blood and bone, cattle manure and fish emulsion.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Wednesday, 24 September 2014




It only takes 1 Dairy Cow, 1 to 3 years in a dairy, to produce 8000 to 16000 litres of milk.
Enough milk for a life-time.

So by converting a Lacto-Vegetarian to Vegan, you save 1 cow, 1 or 3 years in a dairy. And, at most, 1 or 3 calves.

But, when that Vegan fails, as most of them do, and then goes back to eating 1000 animals, as most of them do, you lose 1000 animals.

If vegans genuinely cared about animals then vegans would:
1: Campaign against organic food that has been grown in blood and bone, chicken dung from factory farms and sprayed with fish emulsion.
2: Stop eating and promoting and selling organic food.
3: Stop their anti-milk propaganda.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Tuesday, 16 September 2014



This PDF which you can Download from


is a collection of some of the Pamphlets I have written over the last 40 years

 Vegan Recipes

vegan Christmas / vegan Easter / vegan Thanksgiving
a vegetarian Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving

recipes for taking the animal out of your meat
vegan turkey / vegan chicken / vegan scrambled eggs
vegan fish recipes / vegan meat recipes / vegan burger recipes
simple cooking / simple recipes for one or more people

quick and easy pasta making
quick and easy chocolate pancake making

Vegetarian, Not Vegan, Dogs And Cats

vegetarian dogs / vegetarian cats / Little Tyke the vegetarian lioness

How To Be A Vegetarian

how to be a vegetarian
how do I get my children to become vegetarians?

teaching children to cook

vegan protein / vegan omega-3 [walnuts are 6% omega-3] / vegan sublingual vitamin B12

vegan gardening / veganic gardening

Not Tested On Animals

make your own pure vegan soap and vegan cosmetics / not tested on animals

Why Be A Vegetarian?

health / humane / humanitarian / the environment / spiritual / religious / convenient / simpler / . . .
how to be a vegetarian /protein / iron / calcium / vitamin B12
a vegetarian diet can save the environment with no loss of GDP / Greenism as a cult
conserving the earth's resources

Health and Fitness

raw food / healthy fast food
order of eating / food combining

diet and exercise for women who want to look good and feel good
overweight and weight loss

coughs, colds and flu
babies' illnesses

pain management
pain is no reason to suffer

fit, strong and healthy at any age

Saving Money

living well - below the poverty line
conserving the earth's resources
guide to lazy camping

gambling: the high price of hope


friendships with animals / friendships with dogs
friendships with horses / noblesse oblige / teaching horses to be brave

dog training and horse training by kindness
not by threats and abusive body language

the psychopathology of human–animal relationships
presenting the case against vivisection

poultry as pets / bird gardens – aviaries without walls

Veganic Gardening

indoor gardening / easy gardening / exotics without watering
the lazy person's guide to fruit, nut, vegetable and flower growing
eat the weeds

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Monday, 15 September 2014


Do you love eating eggs.
But, never buy eggs.
Because of the way commercial hens are treated.



    Hens are generally easier to look after than ducks. 

    Hens live about 9 years and ducks about 20 years. 

    If you want birds for pets then you could get yourself a couple of hens or bantams, and let them loose in your back yard, rather than lock some poor canary or budgerigar up in some little cage.


    If you want pure bred birds for eggs then buy top quality White Leghorn, Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red hens or Khaki Campbell ducks. 

    Or, provide a good home for rescued battery hens.

    They can lay 300 eggs per year when they are young. 
    And, fewer but larger eggs as they get older.

You can Download my Free Poultry As Pets Ebook, from:

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Friday, 5 September 2014




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Most “vegans” deliberately eat organic food.


If they say, 'Yes'.
You have got them.

If they say they eat organic food,
and most of them do,
tell them that:

Organic Food is fertilised with:

1: blood and bone from abattoirs;
2: chicken dung from factory farms;
3: cattle manure from feedlots;
4: sprayed with fish emulsion.


Lay a guilt-trip on those self-righteous, 'ethical' vegans who so much like to lay guilt-trips on you.


Indeed, anyone, who deliberately eats organic food, is not only not a vegan, but a serious animal abuser.

Financially supporting, aiding and abetting:

1: abattoirs;
2: factory farms;
3: cattle feed lots;
4: the fishing industry.

This strategy is most effective with those self-righteous, so-called 'ethical' vegans.

This way you get to lay a guilt-trip, on those self-righteous pretend, organic-food-eating, so-called “vegans”, who so much like to lay guilt-trips on everyone else.


Usually, when you win, they will get angry, and refuse to talk to you.


I find that health-vegans genuinely do not care about animals.

Some health vegans even say that,
eating food grown in chicken dung from factory farms,
is cleaner eating,
than eating food grown in
vegan super-phosphate,
made from rock phosphate.

According to these deluded individuals,
all those chemicals,
including heavy metals,
fed to chickens on factory farms,
only come out in the meat and eggs,
and not in the chicken dung.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:




“Meta-analyses suggest a reduction in risk in the subjects with the highest dairy consumption relative to those with the lowest intake:

0.87 (0.77, 0.98) for all-cause deaths,
0.92 (0.80, 0.99) for ischaemic heart disease,
0.79 (0.68, 0.91) for stroke
0.85 (0.75, 0.96) for incident diabetes.”

FROM: Lipids (2010) 45:925–939, DOI 10.1007/s11745-010-3412-5.

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It is not surprising that:

1: fresh raw fruit, which is designed by plants for animals to eat, and so to distribute and manure their seeds.


2: milk, which is the only food that has been designed by mammals, for mammals.

Should also be the healthiest foods.


Dietary habits and mortality in 11000 vegetarians and health conscious people: results of a 17 year follow up, BMJ 1996;313:775-9

“Overall the cohort had a mortality about half that of the general population.”
“Within the cohort, daily consumption of fresh fruit
was associated with significantly reduced mortality from ischaemic heart disease (rate ratio adjusted for smoking 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.60 to 0.97)), cerebrovascular disease
(0.68 (0.47 to 0.98)), and for all causes combined
(0.79 (0.70 to 0.90)).”


The Consumption of Milk and Dairy Foods and the Incidence of Vascular Disease and Diabetes: An Overview of the Evidence

Peter C. Elwood, Janet E. Pickering, D. Ian Givens and John E. Gallacher.

Lipids (2010) 45:925–939, DOI 10.1007/s11745-010-3412-5.

“Meta-analyses suggest a reduction in risk in the subjects with the highest dairy consumption relative to those with the lowest intake:

0.87 (0.77, 0.98) for all-cause deaths,
0.92 (0.80, 0.99) for ischaemic heart disease,
0.79 (0.68, 0.91) for stroke
0.85 (0.75, 0.96) for incident diabetes.”



Vegan Activists, use vivisector T Colin Campbell's rat and mouse experiments, and his vivisection-based book, The China Study, to condemn milk.

Rather than use real research that does not abuse animals.


Vegan Activists, promote organic food, fertilised with:

1: chicken dung, from factory farms,
2: cattle manure from feed-lots,
3: dairy waste,
4: blood and bone,
5: sprayed with fish emulsion.

By buying and promoting organic food, Vegans finance, every type of abuse of animals in agricultural.

Yet condemn the drinking of Cow's milk!

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Wednesday, 3 September 2014

HERBERT SHELTON'S COVER-UP: The Health Hazards Of Herbert Shelton's Natural Hygiene Diet


The Health Hazards Of Herbert Shelton's Natural Hygiene Diet

And, how to fix the deficiencies in the Natural Hygiene Diet, the 80 10 10 diet, and other vegan and raw-vegan diets.

To Download a PDF of this article please click on:


Natural Hygiene

Natural Hygiene is a raw-vegan lifestyle founded by Herbert Shelton.

When I first read the 1976 interview of Dr Cursio by Dr Bass, on drbass.com, I thought of Richard Nixon and the Watergate Tapes.

This is my abridged version of what Herbert Shelton refused to publish.

All Started Well But Deficiency Diseases Got Worse With Each Generation

Dr. Cursio: He's raised four children Hygienically: I noticed in the beginning of the third generation – the abnormalities.

Blended Salads Helped

Dr. Cursio: Then I made my shift into more green stuff, blended salads, cut out the orange juice – like I'd give the child the milk and I'd use the vegetable juice.

Then I saw the difference.

The children were better – were more sturdy. Instead of pigeon-chested or chicken-chested, they were fine-chested.

Dr. Bass: You kept the blended salads going?

Dr. Cursio: That was the change. I don't think there's a dental carie in the whole group.

Dr. Bass: That's a permanent change then, increased salads and blended salads?

Dr. Cursio: 90%, I'd say 95%, on unfired [raw] food – and some steamed vegetables like rice or potato or legumes. This family is representative of many families where they've been raised this way.

[Note by Dr. Bass: The following represents the changes which have evolved in Dr. Cursio's dietetic views over the years leading up to the present time, that is 1976].

Dr. Cursio: I observed many cases of pregnant women who were physically inadequate to have children and hence after pregnancy they accepted Natural Hygiene in order to have children that were healthy and also to make it possible for them to survive.

Dr. Bass: Talking about you [and your patients]?

Dr. Cursio: I'm speaking now of the women who came to me.

How these changes took place – especially in the care of children – so that we have here problems in the children when I followed the strict fruit program with nuts, and minimal amounts, compared to what I use now, of green stuff (salads).

The skeletal development wasn't right, the dental arches were not well-formed, teeth came in crowded because of it.

I noticed a great deal of boys were herniated – who had hydroceles.

Does This Sound Like The 80 10 10 Diet To You

Dr. Bass: Can you state specifically what diet they were on?

Dr. Cursio: Their diet would be predominantly fruit, nut proteins, a relatively small amount of salad compared to what they get now – they used to get one salad a day.

They'd have a fruit meal in the morning, a fruit meal at noon, and a salad at night.

In the morning, they'd have just fruit; at noon they'd have the fruit and nuts, and at night they'd have the salad, sometimes with nuts and sometimes with vegetables.

First I noticed the hydroceles, nearsightedness, the skeletal development.

And the musculature was not developed in these children.

I noticed with other individuals – people who had been living this way and living, I know, 100%.

Miss Natural Hygiene

One of them – I don't think he's [Herbert Shelton] going to publish this – with Miss Natural Hygiene.

There were two Miss Natural Hygienes.

One of them came to me with multiple sclerosis.

And gum recessions, dental caries I noticed.

But a great deal of gum recession and marginal erosion of the gum line of the teeth.

Slight Improvements With Citrus Fruit Reduction

[My Note: For more than 40 years, I have eaten and still eat a high fruit diet, typically at least 2 kg per day. The only time my body was damaged was during my 18 years as a vegan.

In my experience, it is the lack of milk or eggs, and not the surplus of fruit, that does the damage.]

Dr. Cursio: Now, at first I ascribed this to the citrus fruit, so I cut it down, without making any relative increase in the green stuff (salads).

I found slight improvements.

I came to the conclusion [vitamin B12] perhaps was one of the factors that could lead to this pathology.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Bass: Deficiency in B12?

Dr. Cursio: Yes!

It was only after adding green stuff that I started to see in the pregnancies that followed, and also in the children, that came from these pregnancies, the difference.

Round heads instead of pear-shaped heads, better-formed teeth.

And all the aberrations I had noticed – the near-sightedness, the hernias, the hydroceles, and the musculature that was weak – that all disappeared.

Hemoglobin – the nutritional anemias – they cleared up.

This was with the addition of the salads, but I was not satisfied.

In trying to evaluate the absolute amount of every nutrient, I found it was inadequate.

They couldn't eat that amount, they didn't have time to eat that amount.

Blended Salads Because They Could Not Eat Enough

[My Note: Having to blend and drink salads, because they could not eat enough, would indicate that vegan diets are not natural for humans. Did prehistoric people and gorillas have electric blenders and juicers.]

Dr. Bass: The salad?

Dr. Cursio: The blended salad.

To insure the proper intake in sufficient amounts with minimal expenditure of energy, especially in the ill, and leaving sufficient energy, for reparative and healing and restorative purposes.

Clinical Studies Made On Hundreds Of People

Dr. Bass: In sending this material to Dr. Shelton, shall I quote you?

Dr. Cursio: Quote me – also your observations too.

These were studies that were made on hundreds and hundreds of people. What we call clinical studies and observations, in which there was a morphology, a clinical observation based on, rates of recoveries.

And also in post-fasting nutrition, when this kind of setup was used, that they rebuilt and were able to get back to a normal musculature.

There were individuals who came to me, for example, who'd never been able to go beyond the skeletal stage.

After you gave them blended salad, they started to fill up again.

Dr. Bass: And they wouldn't do it on the whole salad?

Some Hygienists Went Back To Fish-Eating In A Sly Manner

[My Note: I recovered by adding only pasteurised cow's milk and yoghurt. I do not think that fish is necessary.]

Dr. Cursio: But the one thing that forced my attention to the defects, was the recession of gums and the marginal erosion of the gum line of the teeth. Why, in a so-called ideal diet, was this happening?

I didn't want to go back to fish, as some Hygienists did in the past.

Dr. Bass: Robert Walter?

Dr. Cursio: Yeah! Robert Walter and some other hygienists.

Some of them did it in a sly manner.

Dr. Bass: Tilden?

Dr. Cursio: No.

Tilden was not a vegetarian.

These were vegetarians. The B12 and essential factors were missing.

Raw Egg Yolks Often Worked When Salads Failed

Dr. Cursio: So hence the egg yolk and the cheese.

Also [anemia] in my own family. No family was fed more scientifically.

We were unfired [raw] foodists.

They were raised that way.

Raw Cheese

Dr. Cursio: Then I noticed in my generation, the second, the third generation that these problems began to show up.

That's how the [raw] Kutter's Cheese came to be.

When my daughter developed this anemia. I couldn't get it to shift.

There was enough iron, the egg yolks were given.

The proteins were inadequate.

Dr. Bass: You mean the nuts?

Dr. Cursio: Yes.

Dr. Bass: Was that the beginning of all the raw cheeses?

[My Note: Pasteurised cow's milk and yoghurt was sufficient for me.]

Death From Osteoporosis On A Raw-Vegan Diet

Dr. Cursio: Jean Franton was carried into me [with MS].

The year before [that] she was Miss Natural Hygiene.

Dee Robins – one of the most gorgeous females, she died a most horrible death.

She is in there [Herbert Shelton's Monthly Journal of Natural Hygiene], as an example of Natural Hygiene.

Died at 28. She was a model.

Dr. Bass: Of what?

Dr. Cursio: Osteoporosis.

Followed it to the letter.

Dr. Bass: Do you think Dr. Shelton will print this?

Raw Egg Yolks

Dr. Bass: Once the people restored themselves, did you still advocate the use of the egg yolk?

Dr. Cursio: Minimal amounts.

Dr. Bass: Does that mean that one cannot live on nuts, fruits, and vegetables without egg yolks?

Dr. Cursio: You could.

You'd have to go through a tremendous change, and I doubt that you could make it.

You have to simply recognise that some of us can't make the shifts.

Herbert Shelton's Cover-Up

Even though Herbert Shelton asked, Dr. Bass to interview Dr. Cursio, I have found no record of Herbert Shelton ever printing this interview.

Or, anything else that would have alerted Herbert Shelton's followers to what was happening.

Herbert Shelton wrote many books.

And, published a monthly magazine.

Herbert Shelton was not only a pioneer of the raw-vegan movement.

But, a pioneer of the cover-ups that continue to this day.

The Vegan Movement

No primate is a natural vegan.

But, the vegan movement continues to promote the vegan diet,

as the ideal diet,

the most natural diet,

the healthiest diet,

the most environmentally sensitive, and the most humane to animals.

Even though so many 'vegans' eat, and promote, organic food, that has been grown in chicken dung, from factory farms, cattle manure from cattle feed-lots, and blood and bone, and sprayed with fish emulsion.

If vegan was a natural, healthy diet then, almost everyone who tried, would succeed without supplements.

But, most people who try, any vegan diet, fail within their first year.

Even with supplements.

And, most of them, because of ill-health or because it is all too hard.

From Detox To Deficiency

Many people have cured themselves of 'incurable' diseases, including cancers, by raw-vegan diets.

Because of the detox benefits.

Just as others have by fasting.

But, if you stay too long on any vegan diet, or fast too long, you will invariably get deficiency diseases.

In my experience, which includes 18 years as a vegan, raw-vegan diets, for short periods of up to 3 months, can do a great deal of good.

But, long-term, any vegan diets, for most people, are the worst of diets.


Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:



Refuting Anti-Milk Propaganda

I wrote this pamphlet to refute 20 common examples of anti-milk propaganda.
Including 'milk-drinking causes osteoporosis' and 'vegan diets are more humane to animals than milk-drinking vegetarian diets'.

20 Examples Of Vegan Anti-Milk Propaganda And My Replies

To download my Refuting Vegan Anti-Milk Propaganda PDF, please click on:

To Download a Free Ebook, please click on:

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Monday, 1 September 2014

SAVING ANIMALS 1000 AT A TIME: Which Diet Causes The Least Harm To Animals?

To Download a PDF of this article please click on: https://sites.google.com/site/vegetarianinformationcenter/


People argue about the healthiest diets.

But, what of the most humane diets.

I chose my diet based on:

1: living the longest;

2: living the healthiest;

3: enjoyment of eating;

4: exploiting animals the least.

The average Australian animal-eater, eats more than 1000 animals, in a life-time.

So, you could save 1000 animals, even if you stay an animal-eater.

Simply, by eating larger animals, instead of smaller animals.

I Was A Vegan For 18 Years

Because, I like animals.

But, after damaging my teeth [common with vegan diets], I returned to cow's milk-drinking.

I found that by drinking cow's milk, I was exploiting the fewest animals.

While keeping healthy.

I cow in a dairy for 1 or 2 years, and so maybe 1 or 2 calves, for a lifetime supply of milk.

If you are concerned, about the lack of quality of modern mass-produced milk, then you could buy Biodynamic Milk.

Biodynamic Agriculture does not exploit animals as much as Organic Agriculture does.

But, unfortunately, and partly because of Vegan anti-milk propaganda, most ex-vegans go back to eating more than 1000 animals.

Instead of drinking milk from just 1 cow.

How Many Animals Do Different Diets Kill?


How Much Suffering Do Different Diets Cause?

Fortunately, the more humanely animals are treated, the more natural their lives, the healthier the animal foods are.

Ocean-caught fish are natural animals living natural lives.

Genuinely free-range chickens are happier, [be sure that the chickens are genuinely free-range], and their eggs are healthier to eat, than factory-farmed.

Free-range grass-fed milk and other dairy products, are healthier to drink and eat, than feed-lot grain-fed dairy.


Animals Exploited Per 80 Year Life-Time Supply

The differences, between the groups, are so great, that I have not spent a lot of time on exact figures.

Vegan, Any Amount.

0, directly.

Uncounted, number of animals killed and maimed indirectly by ploughs, harvesters, Uncounted, number of animals killed to protect growing crops, and while storing crops.

Cow's Milk, or yoghurt, or hard, matured cheeses, if lactose intolerant, at 2 to 4 litres per week.

1 cow, 1 or 2 years in a dairy, maybe 1 or 2 calves.

Eggs, at 6 eggs per week.

40 to 80 hens and 40 to 80 male chicks.

Chicken, 500 grams per week,

1000 chickens.

Eat beef and save 1000 animals.

Beef, 500 grams per week.

10 cattle.

9 if eat offal, liver and kidneys, as well.

Liver and kidneys are also very high in vitamin B12.

Sheep, 500 grams per week.

50 sheep.

Fish, 500 grams per week.


1 tin of sardines can contain 12 fish.

But, you could eat larger fish who eat smaller fish.

NOTE: Big fish eat little fish. So by eating ocean-caught fish, [not factory-farmed fish], you could save more animals, than you kill.


Organic Produce is Fertilised with:

1: blood and bone;

2: chicken dung from factory-farms;

3: cattle dung from cattle feed-lots;

4: dairy waste;

5: sprayed with fish emulsion.

Genuine Vegans would never eat Organic Produce.

Because, the number of animals that Vegans would abuse by eating Organic Produce, would be considerably greater than if they drank milk or ate beef.

Vegans, who do not care about animals, tell me that they eat organic food, because they do not want chemicals in their food.

As if all the chemicals fed to chickens on factory-farms, only come out in the meat and eggs, and not in the dung.

Vegans should eat Veganic, Standard, or even Biodynamic, Produce.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:
