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Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool In my free ebook,"Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs...

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

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ExVegans Facebook Page

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ExVegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:


Sunday, 4 April 2021

10 Things Vegan Activists Do Not Want You To Know

10 Things Vegan Activists Do Not Want You To Know

I have been a Vegetarian for 50 years because I like animals.
I was a Vegan for 18 of those years.

So, I am interested in producing animal-products, such as milk, wool, eggs, humanely and sustainably.

This 2020 Update of my “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs” PDF, at,

1: Cows Do Not Have To Get Pregnant To Produce Milk.

Since at least 1973, Cows and Goats, just like Women, who breast-feed their adopted Babies, do not need to get pregnant to lactate.
See: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030273852439

2: Vegans Have Higher All-Cause Death-Rates.

Fish-eaters have an 18% lower all-cause death-rate than Vegans.
Vegetarians have a 16% lower all-cause death-rate than Vegans.

Which is why, misleading and deceptive Vegan Activists, selectively quote individual disease rates but not tell you their total all-cause death-rates.

All-cause Death-rate ratios:

Fish Eaters: 0.82 (0.77, 0.96)
Vegetarians: 0.84 (0.74, 0.96)
Vegans: 1.00 (0.70, 1.44)

Table 7: https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/70.3.516s

3: 86% Of Livestock Feed Is Not Suitable For Human Consumption.

“Livestock rely primarily on forages, crop residues, and by-products, that are not edible to humans.”
So, “cattle need only 0.6 kg of protein from human edible feed to produce 1 kg of protein in milk and meat.”

4: Sex-Sorting Eggs Before Incubation.

Fertilised eggs can be sex-sorted, before incubation, by using infra-red photography. And, so reducing the hatching and killing of male Chicks.
As well as reducing costs, by reducing the number of eggs incubated; and, the number of Chicks manually sex-sorted.

This has been done experimentally:

5: Water-Efficient Cow’s Milk.

By switching to Cow’s milk, a Vegan, who drank 4 litres of soy drink per week, would save (3763-1020) x 4 = 10,972 litres of water per week.
And, 570,000 litres per year.

The average Water Footprint per litre [kilogram], of milk is 1020 litres of water.

1018 litres per litre of orange juice;
1020 litres per litre of milk;
1141 litres per litre of apple juice;
1273 litres per litre of pineapple juice;
3763 litres of water per litre of soy drink.


6: Methane Efficient Cow’s Milk.

CSIRO Scientists have found Australian red seaweeds (Asparagopsis taxiformis and A. armata) virtually eliminate methane emissions from cattle and sheep, when fed as a dietary additive at 1% of their diet by dry weight.

While, rice alone produces 15-20% of the annual methane [much more than Dairy-Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Poultry, combined].
Methane emissions from rice paddies: a process summary July 1997, 49: 119-127,

7: Cow's Milk-Drinkers Are Happier, Healthier, And Live Longer.

A meta-analyses of 400,000 people showed that people who consumed the most dairy products, had:

a) 13% lower overall death rates;
b) 8% less IHD [ischaemic heart disease];
c) 21% fewer strokes;
d) 15% less diabetes;

than people who consumed the least:

8: Breast Cancer.

A meta-analysis, of 1.6 million women, found yogurt and low-fat dairy reduced breast cancer, while other dairy product types did not:

9: PMS.

Women who drank the most, skim or low-fat Cow’s milk, were 46% less likely to get PMS:

Is that why there are so many bad-tempered irrational Vegan women?

10: Vegans get 30% more bone fractures.


Lacto-Ovo-Vegan PDFs

You can download my PDF on How to Produce Healthy Milk and Wool Humanely and Sustainably from:


My, “Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets”, PDF from:


And, my other PDFs from:
